So! Some good news for a change.

But first, before I divulge the reason that this unit was
not getting 10VDC across terminals 1 & 3
after the new A1 was installed (was actually getting 24vdc with S1 in the start position) I must say something here. I was once told by a wise, older gentleman that you can't save your face and save your bacon at the same time. You have to choose one or the other. And, since this forum has saved my bacon yet once again (al the TM's and the schematics) I feel that it's my civic duty (I say civic duty because I was never able to get into the military...long story, another thread) to divulge this information in spite of how I will look bad. But I strive for complete transparency so here it goes.
In post #10 I fired up this unit after I replaced the voltage regulator. I was able to adjust the voltage up some and I reset the under-voltage fault as described in the installation instructions. In about 15 - 20 seconds of run time, I witnessed lots of smoke coming out of the compartment where the T1 transformer is located. I immediately shut the unit down and went back to disconnect the batteries. Upon closer examination I could still see where the smoke was coming from. It was the T1 transformer. (My word they sure do pack a lot of smoke into those things!) Again, this wonderful forum clued me in on this thread that with the new A1 voltage regulator now installed the T1 transformer (and a few other components) is no longer needed. That was relief for me! I could see more $$$ coming up in my dreadful thoughts, not to mention some potential down-time and more labor. And since this T1 looked crispier than a marshmallow that fell into a campfire, I wanted to remove it and clean the soot from that compartment.
Here's where my face is going to look bad. The (7) wires that also went to the T1 were all very crispy as well, up about 4" from the T1. I know what Guyfang said in post #27, but I didn't want to leave any crispy wires behind. So, I cut everything that went to the T1 transformer back about 6". Here's my mistake. Wires 140A & 141A from the A1 voltage regulator ultimately end up at TB8 as wires 140D & 141D. This is simply a two terminal board which is located right above the T1 in that compartment. That's where the F1 & F2 wires begin. (They're black wires) But wires 140D & 141D were zip-tied in parallel with the other (7) wires that originally went to the T1. When I cut those wires back, I actually cut 140D and 141D also.

This was where my open circuit was to the A1 terminals 1 & 3.
In my older years, I'm finding it more difficult to see like I used to. I usually always wear a headlight on my forehead, and I have additional battery powered lights with magnetic bases on them that I stick inside of these compartments. But inevitably when I make a mistake like this it's simply because I could see what I was doing. They talk about "CRS" a lot and thankfully I haven't been stricken
YET. But I'm definitely getting a case of "CSS!" I just picked up my new prescription glasses the other day. I didn't try them on in the optometrist office. (My bad) I went next door to get some things from the hardware store and I put the new glasses on before I walked in. I was thinking "right on...these are nice!" That is until I tried to look at the tags on some products. I absolutely couldn't see anything up close. I left the hardware store and went back to the optometrist office where I nicely shared my dilemma. The Dr. came out and said that they made a key mistake. They didn't make these glasses "bi-focals". I'm glad that they took back, and I'm glad that I still have my old ones which are working fine. I'm also happy that I'm not the only one who makes mistakes!

Thanks again to this great forum, and I sincerely hope that someone gets something out of this! Jeff