Peter and Kurt, I am so grateful for your assistance with this project!
I am a mechanical engineer by education, but unafraid of electrical work - which often leads me beyond my knowledge/understanding. Nonetheless, I am happy to learn.
I tested the diodes in-circuit on both sides of the inverter (the burnt and unburnt sides). Using my antiquated Fluke 16 in diode mode, all diodes pass in forward-bias direction with a voltage drop of ~0.4-0.45V. In reverse-bias, the unburnt side voltage drop climbs to ~2.3V before showing the good OL, whereas the burnt plateaus around 1V, and never gives the OL check. Is that an indication that all those diodes are fried, or could the removal of that ceramic disc capacitor be impacting the reverse-bias measurements in some way (as you see I am now clearly out of my lane