So my MEP 002 has always been as reliable as a rock today I started up for it's monthly cycle and it would not hold steady voltage. The more load I put it under the higher the voltage went. Turning the voltage knob did very little in fact raised the voltage level when trying to decrease it.
Under 100% load the lowest voltage I could get was 125.5
The stranger part is the volt meter on the motor holds steady and goes up and down when you move the knob. All measurements taking with a kill-a-watt.
I'm guessing it's the voltage regulator I remember there's someone on here who makes new ones could anyone give me his contact information?
Thanks for all the help
Under 100% load the lowest voltage I could get was 125.5
The stranger part is the volt meter on the motor holds steady and goes up and down when you move the knob. All measurements taking with a kill-a-watt.
I'm guessing it's the voltage regulator I remember there's someone on here who makes new ones could anyone give me his contact information?
Thanks for all the help