I left Alaska in 1959 for Ft. Benning, Ga. as a kid. But I will NEVER forget the Alaska wilderness. The woods, lakes and streams are made for real men, and real fishermen. In my Dad's case, a real hunter. I loved it and learned to fish there. Taking the time to enjoy the wilderness again would be a huge asset to my bucket list, unfortunately, my back could not take the 12,000 mile round trip, and I'm no passenger in anyone vehicle. I'm a driver.
Good luck to all who have the good fortune of doing what I cannot do. You are very lucky indeed. One thing I can tell you, is make sure you have a 360 degree net for mosquitos and plenty of repellent. You will definitely need it, but it's all worth it. You're not going to believe the rainbow trout and king salmon, plainly visible along the way in the creeks, streams and rivers. Yum!
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