- 329
- 9
- 18
- Location
- NE Oregon & SW Idaho
Is that little dogbone issue what NASA calls 'an anomaly'?
Welcome to the site, some of the members have over-charged testostrone syndrome which makes them lash out at times at others on the site. You just have to consider the source and blow it off.
We have all been young and full of ourselves at one time in our lives. When I was young I thought I was God's special gift to the world, and I didn't hesitate to let anyone who would listen know about it. Then I grew older and a little wiser, and realized there is alot of truth to the old saying that it is sometimes better to sit there with your mouth shut and be thought stupid rather then opening your mouth and removing all doubt.
Some of our member need to grow up, and hopefully will get wiser and a bit kinder and more diplomatic as they age. But even some of the more vocal and occasionally rude members have lots of good info and help to offer.
Kinda like a family- sometimes you can't stand your siblings or parents or cousins, but let anyone else attack your family members and you get your dander up in a hurry.
And when you get that dogbone worked on, please take pics of the process and give us a good narrative of what transpires so we can all 'go to school' on your experience!
The learning curve is steep, sometimes painful and expensive- but then again so is most of life!

Welcome to the site, some of the members have over-charged testostrone syndrome which makes them lash out at times at others on the site. You just have to consider the source and blow it off.
We have all been young and full of ourselves at one time in our lives. When I was young I thought I was God's special gift to the world, and I didn't hesitate to let anyone who would listen know about it. Then I grew older and a little wiser, and realized there is alot of truth to the old saying that it is sometimes better to sit there with your mouth shut and be thought stupid rather then opening your mouth and removing all doubt.
Some of our member need to grow up, and hopefully will get wiser and a bit kinder and more diplomatic as they age. But even some of the more vocal and occasionally rude members have lots of good info and help to offer.
Kinda like a family- sometimes you can't stand your siblings or parents or cousins, but let anyone else attack your family members and you get your dander up in a hurry.
And when you get that dogbone worked on, please take pics of the process and give us a good narrative of what transpires so we can all 'go to school' on your experience!
The learning curve is steep, sometimes painful and expensive- but then again so is most of life!