A few more pics this evening. I decided to keep the generator and regulator. I will have to redo the mount since it was on the 455. Easy enough though, and it saves me $100 which helps me get on the road quicker. I cracked it open this evening, easier to open than a can of beans. It needs new brushes and bearings.
I'll clean out all the junk, solder new wires in and put it back together. The wrappings on the copper windings are like new! I see no reason to replace them.
I have a little transmission work to do later so I propped it up on the 6.2 crate.
Needs new TC seal, pump seal, shifter shaft O ring, filler tube O ring, filter change and I'm going to install a drain plug on the pan. The temp sender will go on the cooler lines.
For those interested you can also see how the prev owner used the stock Hydramatic yolk on the Th400 output. They also used a 2 core radiator from a 60's Chevelle. Simple flat stock mounts. It may or may not cool this vehicle.
It needs a rodding/recore anyway.
Later i'll show how to take apart, clean and reassemble the wiper motors.
My parts shipped today, I can't wait to polish the manifolds up. Humvee's used stainless steel headers!