Bonus Nachos from Southcentral Pennsylavania ! Glad to see another 1009 going to a good home. Is the crew cab a local ? Fire Service colors maybe ? I too am a Y W G spotter
(Yuengling-lovin' White Girl

spotter) but maybe yours means sumthin else. Anyways . . . sooooo glad to hear ya already have the doghead mod licked so we won't have to see
another new thread aboot that one, eh. ( J K, any thread about any problem at any time is cooooooool ) . PLEASE never hesitate to ask ANYTHING aboot yer B A Blazer, er M1009. . . she has earned the title. You will then have the wonderful opportunity to read through from 2 to over 100 opinions about how to handle, diagnose, determine, analyze, and repair it. I
LOOOOOOOOOVE the internet and am very glad it wasn't around when I was turnin' wrenches to keep my kids fedded and bedded. I never woulda made a half-pence. EVERY millenial now knows how to fix any problem just by watching a Youtube vid or two. Not to mention the cars know what is wrong with them before it happens. That is why I am buying a 50 year old. We will understand each other.
So, again, welcome. Good luck and Happy Motoring !