Our advice is to never even turn the unit over until the entire fuel system has been cleaned: tank, all lines blown out, all filters replaced...Then when you crank for very short times, ensure that fuel is getting to the injector pump. Do not crank the first time with the IP hooked up...I would also pull the injectors and soak them in cleaner...Then install. Check all glow plugs and ensure they are good and working...All this before pushing fuel into the IP pump. Also make sure to clean/change ALL of the 3 filter screens in your lift pumps...This is often overlooked, but those pumps get the first whack of crap from the tank and there is usually all kinds of crap in the tanks...CLEAN tank 100%...You can put a bunch of nuts and bolts in the tank to shake around and loosen the rust...Just hope the tank bottom doesn't blow out! But one spec of rust can foul up the injector or pump...So, you need to sink time and a bit of $$ into the unit, just to crank her over for the first time with everything hooked up...More labor than anything...Your patience is key! Good luck.