I have a backhoe, tractor, and a MEP803A to keep fuel on hand for.
I've run through the gambit on diesel storage. I started with 55 gallon oil drums and they started to rust inside after 4 years. I switched to plastic drums and one of those split this week. Thankfully it split above the fuel level and no spill occurred.
I set out on a mission to find an aluminum tank. I was all set to buy new if I could find one for five or six hundred bucks. Turns out they are like every other thing sans covid. Prices are double and triple and none to be had.
I came across a tank manufacturer that wasn't too far away that made a rectangular shaped 150 gallon tank. I called this morning and they wouldn't sell direct, no way, no how. On top of that the guy said they were 16 weeks and 8000 tanks behind in production. How is that even possible????
SOOOOOO, I started calling diesel truck shops to see if they had any used saddle tanks or knew where I might find one. The second place I called gave me a number for a scrap yard that has several semi trucks being parted out. There I learned that practically all of them have round tanks. The only square options were steel and I didn't want steel again.
After an hour of walking the yard I found a tank that only had one little dent and was already pulled. $162 and I was on my way back home. Now to figure out how to set it up and adapt my pump to it. It's 23" diameter and 60" long so just a tad over 100 gallons.

I've run through the gambit on diesel storage. I started with 55 gallon oil drums and they started to rust inside after 4 years. I switched to plastic drums and one of those split this week. Thankfully it split above the fuel level and no spill occurred.
I set out on a mission to find an aluminum tank. I was all set to buy new if I could find one for five or six hundred bucks. Turns out they are like every other thing sans covid. Prices are double and triple and none to be had.
I came across a tank manufacturer that wasn't too far away that made a rectangular shaped 150 gallon tank. I called this morning and they wouldn't sell direct, no way, no how. On top of that the guy said they were 16 weeks and 8000 tanks behind in production. How is that even possible????
SOOOOOO, I started calling diesel truck shops to see if they had any used saddle tanks or knew where I might find one. The second place I called gave me a number for a scrap yard that has several semi trucks being parted out. There I learned that practically all of them have round tanks. The only square options were steel and I didn't want steel again.
After an hour of walking the yard I found a tank that only had one little dent and was already pulled. $162 and I was on my way back home. Now to figure out how to set it up and adapt my pump to it. It's 23" diameter and 60" long so just a tad over 100 gallons.