Thank God it was a local decision made by a Base Commander. Let's hope the idioticracy doesn't spread. That base probably has 1000 MVs up and down the road every week, but they are concerned about one. It's not totally unfair and is to his discretion, I agree, but I would hope other base commanders are more discrete in their review process and have better things to do then worry about EPA on a MV.
If/when a problem reveals itself and persist, do something about it.
If there are no problems, work on the ones in front of you.
So, in his favor, I suspect they may have had a previous problem with a FMV causing a review. Guys, please don't spill your beer when going out the gate.
edit: BTW, I'm VERY happy to hear GL is not rocking the boat on this one. Thanks again for your research in the matter. Facts do wonders.