Another Update...
Ok, the last update I posted, I had just gotten the Brand New Wilson starter and bracket installed.
Today, I finally had time
(and the weathers cooperation) to replace the two fusible links and go through the rest. I replaced the two links that had burned. And while going through and checking the other fusible links, I found another 12 gauge link on the 24v terminal block/bus-bar which had electrical tape wrapped around it. I could guess what I would find, but I took a moment to remove the tape anyway, and yep sure enough I found that it had burned the rubber coating off at some point in the past, and a previous owner had just taped it up. The wire was still making a decent connection, but I went ahead and replaced this fusible link anyway.
So.... when I got all the links back to their proper places, and everything buttoned up. I reconnected the batteries, put the key in the ignition, all the power came on, wait light went out,
I hit the key AND......
nothing. The starter never even kicked, and everything else went off.......
When I hit the key, I did hear the doghead relay under the dash 'click', but all other lights and power went out until I let the key go back to the 'run' position. The starter never did anything. Just as it had done when this first happened.
The only up-side is this time no fusible links burned, none of them even got warm.
I was going to check the power at the starter, but found that the multi-meter I was using only went up to 12v on the dc side...

And of course I can't find my good multi-meter... so until I find it I can't test the 24 volt side of things.
Even Still... at this point I'm not sure whats going on.
I have not been able to find any other links nor wires that have burned, or any other bad connections.
This is the first electrical problem I have had since I got the truck. As I said before, right after I got it, I went through all the electrical system and connections. Replaced a lot of connections, including all the battery cables and also the battery terminals with NOS military terminals, which are far superior to the junk most auto parts stores sell.
I'm now guessing that my old starter is actually good (other than the nose cone was broke) and rather than the starter being bad, that something else has happened which prevented both the old starter
and this new starter from working. I haven't yet had the old starter tested, but will do so soon, as I have been able to locate a starter & alternator rebuild shop.
I'm now wondering if it is a "sudden" Ground Problem....
if the mouse which I have seen signs of (small shelled-out acorns under the hood) has eaten a wire somewhere that I have yet to find.
In any case, I'll keep looking and trying to figure this out. Just hope we don't get anymore rain for a few days.
Looks like I have to find my 'good' multi-meter, and take a test light, and start going wire-by-wire...
If anyone has any ideas or input, as Always it would be Greatly Appreciated