Oh,I am planning to have the 915A1 and the lowboy so I can bring all this stuff,I know Papabear will probably have at least 1 tractor trailer,are we gonna have room?
One of the reasons I am going early is to try to be more proactive in laying out the area for the MKT, HQ van trailer and vendor spaces.
If we can get our hosts to bushhog the area I am going to try to have a master plan and as people pull in we can direct them to a space they have reserved or can fit into.
Since we are encouraging professional vendors they will get prime real estate but everyone will be fitted in according to your needs.
At some point in time I may ask attendees to send me a square footage guesstimate of how much room you will need. Folks who attended previously and remember the layout can ask for a favorite spot.
Figure your vehicle size, including trailers, and how much extra space you will need for your trade goods and tentage if you have any.
If we are going to have a "training exercise" or classes we will set aside sufficient space for them.
Since I have some experience at being in "Quartering Parties" in the Army we may experiment with a more formal "dress right dress" theme.
Any ideas from the "peanut gallery" will be examined by a jaded eye and appropriated as my own if they have merit.