So I went out there today and sat down with Joni for a couple hours and discussed all the rally issues with them. So be patient.
Has anybody made a recon of the site of the FOB R I would like to know if my command tee pee is still standing and if my roof stove pipe is unmolested. Thanks
Oh man, sorry. I asked them about this and Joni said "every October we had an issue with some smelly homeless guy crashing in it, so we burned it".
However, I was looking out for you and I found you an alternate housing choice. D-town has these steel culvert pieces and they said they'd put them anywhere you wanted them and you can use them as an ersatz tent.

Ok, on to other stuff:
Someone has already shown up! Somebody dropped off an M1009 and M101 and told D-town they'd be back with more stuff.

Alright, here's the rest of the recon pics:

D-town finally filled in those mosquito/liability/ponds of doom, so we are back to a mostly unencumbered swap meet area.
Porta Potties will be in place by Wednesday.
D-town will have staff at the registration tent to help attendees get their fees paid more easily.
See the following, copy and pasted directly from the D-town document Joni emailed me tonight:
Georgia MVR
Driver Pricing: @ MVR TENT/Durhamtown
Multi-Day (3-5 days) for $80
This fee includes 1 Driver of any Military Vehicle or ATV, SxS, or Dirt Bike
Or $20/day @ Lodge (Main Building)
Passenger, Campers, Vendors and Spectators: (NonDrivers)
@MVR/Durhamtown TENT-Multi-Day (3-5 days) for $20
Or $10/day @ Lodge (Main Building)
(Everyone onsite MUST have an armband)
Kids 12 and Under: FREE Spectator/Passenger for rally area only
(*Does not apply for riding in the ATV/Bike Parks)
No ATVs, Bikes are allowed in the Jeep Parks
UTV-side x side vehicles must wear Helmets when visiting the Jeep Parks
Durhamtown will have security checkpoints at each Jeep Park.
General Camping, Vendors, tents, vehicles, Etc. will require a parking pass this year to be displayed on the rearview mirror or dash at no additional cost. You will receive this when paying for RV Site or Camping site. Security staff from Durhamtown will be monitoring the Rally area to ensure that all overnight campers, vehicles have this displayed or retrieved if asked. Please ask for Joni or Lauren with Durhamtown for any questions.
RV Sites with power require reservations @ regular rates. 706-622-4108
$15 Camping-No Power-Sewer-Electric (706-622-4108
Use Promo Code: Military Rally
Optional to MVR
Meal Tickets for Saturday Convoy to A.H. Stephen’s Park
Meal Tickets for the Convoy/Park/Eat @ A.H. Stephens State Park is $10.00 per person. This includes the park pass.
BBQ, Slaw, Baked Beans, chips, cookie, and drink.
Purchase meal ticket from Durhamtown @ MVR Tent.
Deadline is Friday at 9pm.
Any tickets purchased on Saturday morning will be
@$15 each.
Ok, some big pointers
If you're on D-town property, you'll have some kind of armband............ driver, spectator, camping, etc.
If you're out in the "Jeep parks" you will need an armband-either driver or passenger. D-town will have people at the entrances to both parks so if you don't have an armband, you'll be sent back to the RT to get one.
If you want to participate in the hardball convoy, you need to do two things:
When you arrive and hit the rally registration tent, you need to let us take a copy of your proof of insurance of the vehicle you wish to take on the event and you need to sign up for the convoy, pay your $10 fee and get your ticket. This way, D-town knows how much food to prepare at the state park. The cutoff is Friday evening at 9pm. If you do not sign up for the convoy by this point and then you change your mind and decide "ZOMG, THIS IS THE MOST AWESOMEST THING EVER AND I GOTS TO GO", then your ticket will cost $15.
T-shirts will be available again and, of course, they're spectacular:
Every size will be $20 each, except for XXL and XXXL, which are $22.50.
I want to emphasize something here:
The Ga. Rally has an attorney, an insurance policy, a PA system, lots of infrastructure like tables, tents, chairs, hand washing stations, etc. and we don't charge attendees anything to attend the rally. When you get to the rally and you pay fees, they're all going to Durhamtown. The only things the rally will take your money for are t-shirts and food at the MKT.
T-shirts and food are how we pay for all that stuff I listed above.
Also, Ron, I was just kidding. Your structure is intact.