It's been just under a week since the rally, and I'm fully recovered now from all the FUN!
The GA Rally is one of my top 3 things that I love to do every year! For me its like a Family reunion; well one that you actually want to go to! :0)
I want to thanks everyone that works hard behind the sens to make this rally possible every year! Clinto for being the Head Cheese, or Grand Poobah, MKT Mike and the MKT Crew for the Great Food, although we may have to chip in an extra dollar or two for our meals so we can get Mike a bigger serving spoon! Kenny and the Boy's for the great work ya'll do at the welcoming booth! I know I have made it to the Rally when I see Kenny sitting under the tent as I pull in!
Even though I set up to sell items; every year at the Rally, this is still a vacation for me, I love to talk to and negotiate great deals with everyone, to me that's one of the best parts!
I greatly appreciate everyone that stopped by and hung out with me, and especially those that hung out and then spent money... :0)
I want to thank Pappa Bear for letting me borrow his power tools to fix part of my camping tent, so I could get it set back up on my second night at the Rally!
Overall I just want to say how very lucky I feel to have such a great group of people, that I can get together with every year and just have a great time with!
Ok that's it for the mushy stuff!
Awesome 2018 GA Rally!!!!!!