General Mcgregor
- 980
- 24
- 18
- Location
- Dover, New Hampshire
I recently had a discussion with my neighbor who is a Korean war vet, he worked on a 5 ton wrecker (what specifically I'm not sure). I was talking to him about needing two people to perform a safe and successful winching operation weather you are pulling stumps or pulling the truck. I was always told that one person should always be in the cab to operate the clutch when the pto is engaged, and even if it isn't someone should be there. He told me it was possible to operate the winch using the exterior clutch only,
Its a Garwood 10,000, The way he described it was: 1 Engage the pto on the desired range, making sure the clutch is out on the winch. 2 Freespool to your load, attatch it and return to the winch. 3 very slowly move the clutch lever to the 'in' position and it will behave just like the clutch on the transmission...
?? There is no way Im trying this until I know what the results would be. I feel almost positive that it wont work but I could be wrong. Personally, I think he's thinking of a hydraulic winch. Is this possible? If so is it bad for my winch? Is it safe?? I have no problem doing it the way I always have but it would be cool to know if I could do this.