The only modification is to the top bows, the stud is removed on the forward bow where the bow to windshield rod mounts, it's replaced with a 5/16 bolt and a round spacer 3/4 diameter, 5/8 wide.
The forward fixed window is slid in the channel on the outer edge of the windshield frame, just like the cab top channel except the fixed window does not have a "bead" just a hollow channel in the fabric. Once this is slid down the groove a metal rod is inserted in the hollow to act as the "bead" and hold it in place, the rod is bent at the top and hooks over the top of the window frame. The fixed window is secured against the top bow rod with a clamp, the lower portion is held with a bolt through the door stop.
The door hinge frames are attached to the rear main bow with 8 bolts each, the doors are attached to the hinge frames with 2 pins each. The door stops are held on using 4EA existing holes holding the fender on, fender washers and longer bolts hold the door stops on, room for adjustment is provided with large holes in the door stops, the reason for the fender washers.
It s best to assemble the doors to the hinge frames, install the door, it will be held on with the latches, line it up and use the hinge frame as your drill template. Given the flexible nature of the soft top both sides won't be exactly the same so best to use the door as a template rather than fixed measurements.