Kick and scream, be acknowledged, get your point across, get their attention, demand satisfaction, state your case, express your frustration, etc...... It's all the same. I understand exactly how you feel Lane, totally. Mad as hell, p***** off, furious, frustrated, taken advantage of. It's a crappy feeling when you know you're in the right. I've been there. I felt the same way last summer. I'm not going to get into it here, but it was more than just a lot # issue. And I wanted to KICK and SCREAM at ANYONE at GL that would stand up and do the right thing. It was SO black and white! It didn't matter. There was nothing I could do about it. They play it to their advantage which will either mean more money in their pocket or less work/effort on their part. It's just too easy for them to say 'we'll give your money back, that's the best we can do', and move on. The reality of it in the world of customer satisfaction is that you are only one person and they can afford to loose one person as a customer. In fact, customer service, customer satisfaction, service after the sale, are all but extinct anymore. You're right about their practices, it's wrong, it's blatant, it's dishonest. Unfortunately, it's also the nature of the beast.