Same here, I don't live in city limits, but a neighborhood snitch called the county sheriff and said I was breaking a HOA rule. When the deputy arrived and asked me if that was my truck (to which I proudly said, "you betcha," the deputy said that my truck was bad to the bone, and he wished he had one too. Well, he mentioned the complaint and I told him I'd move it soon. I then looked up the HOA rules (of which I am not a paying member) and the rules also mention a weight class for commercial vehicles being prohibited for parking. No worries, I have RV parking down the road, but I still bring the truck over to the house on days I'm working on it...which happens to be often, of course. And, yes, the neighborhood has campers, trailers, and boats in the yards.
On a side note, a neighbor asked how the truck was doing and wondering when he could get a ride...I told him I need to pick a VW out of the tire tread first, lol.