Yes, many thanks to Aaron for setting this up again. Many thanks to Warcat for being so good with the kids.
If any of you have contact info for Peter, please let him know I would like to talk to him about supporting him with desert tan vehicles for the parade.
We had a bit of an issue on the way home. About 20 miles from home I noticed oil spraying out on the fender. It seemed like my fuel as it was a little black and thin, being blown by the wind.
We found a pinhole in the fuel return line (I replaced that line a couple years ago) where it was rubbing on the radiator support. Fortunately, there was a NAPA about a half mile from where we stopped. Ed ran me down and we got a couple feet of 1/4 inch tubing, ferrules, and compression fittings. A few minutes later we restarted it with no leaks. I was surprised that I would replace a tube and have it ran so that it would rub so bad, so I took another look before pulling out. As it turns out, the stud for the turnbuckle that supports the radiator had broken, allowing the radiator to twist with the drivers side moving back about 2 inches until the fan and compressor began rubbing on the backside of the radiator. We used a tie strap and cord to hold the radiator away from the fan and got back on the road.