I had one all lined up for our Sheriffs Office, but the county commissioners shot it down. Their excuse: Nothing is free from Uncle Sam! I tried to explain the LESO program to "Larry, Curly, & Moe but they would't listen. Though they didn't have a problem when I obtained about $25,000 worth of Sony Toughbooks and brand new monitors and a ton of other free brand new items the Sheriff couldn't afford to buy because they had cut his budget. The plan for our HMMWV was for use only in snow storms and flooding or other off road use, not a daily driver. Trust me when I say Your local Sheriffs are suffering because of budget cuts and a lack of understanding by your county fathers. We even had one of our county commisioners state " Why does the county need deputies, all that is required by the Sheriff is to maintain a jail". I guess crimes don't happen in the country/rural areas, god help us all if that mentality spreads across the country. I guess he'll have to call ghost busters when someone breaks into his house.