My first post in this thread was evidently well received by the "thanks" it received and I hope this one is to.
Having said that, I stand prepared to be blasted for my somewhat outdated opinion:
Military Vehicles have no place in political, religious or personal opinions...they are simply tools used by the finest fighting forces on the planet. These vehicles represent the spirit of those forces and the American determination and patriotism.
Some have come to think of military vehicles as "toys" and "billboards.
Maybe the vehicle adds some type of "strength" to their opinion posted (in their opinion) even when that opinion seems tacky and maybe even wrong to some of us.
I strongly disagree with posting slogans, opinions or party affiliations on a military vehicle which do not directly relate to patriotism.
I strongly agree with using our MV's in support of good causes and posting signs and banners etc., in support of patriotic functions to include any worthwhile causes like Blood Drives, Toys for Tots etc., get the picture
Do you have the right to post ANYTHING you want on your MV?? I guess you do.
I would however ask that you remember how you got that right and maintain that right even today.
It was through the blood, sweat, tears and yes...even the deaths of countless men and women who used those very trucks to give you the right to desecrate them at will.
Even an old battered, rusted barely running MV used out on the farm is still serving it's country...even if modified to suit a specific need.
I guess it just comes down to a matter of taste, but I gotta tell you, when I see signs, slogans etc., on an MV that doesn't in some way bring recognition even honor to our nation, Armed Forces or a good leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
"Good taste" is what I am asking for and I know everyone's is different...but please just consider the mission of the MV and let her continue to accomplish it