It's possible, but don't really have much to go on to really tell you.
I assume since you stated that you charged up the battery, hold on, you said battery not batteries???
If this was just a typo, and hope it was unless the truck has been converted to 12V, has it?
If it is still a 6.2 diesel and 24V, then you need 2 batteries, not 1. 1 may start it, but it won't last long at all.
If it is still 24V, it could have been a defective starter relay causing the starter to stay engaged, hence the
"doghead" starter relay mod.
One way to check for a possible frozen or stuck engine is to remove the starter and try to rotate the flywheel by hand, preferably with a flywheel wrench and not using the crank hub bolt. You can use the hub bolt if that's all you got, but if it is frozen, the icing on the cake will be a broke off bolt stuck in the end of your crankshaft.
If the starter has ground down the flywheel, you'll have to remove it anyway, so all this is just steps in the removal process anyway.
We need more info/details and or pics.