BO driving lights were added as a retrofit to most support vehicles. So, to 'be as correct as possible' you will need to date the trucks assembly (hopefully you have a set of data plates with a DoD). Then its a quick check in Army Motors to see if your truck would have a factory or retrofit type BO light. I don't believe that any of the retrofit lights were identical to production lights.
The possible options are:
yes, that is a correct, production BO light
no, your truck should have a refit light, but someone found a grill with the production light
no, your truck predated even the retrofit kit and never had a BO light installed.
You just gotta pick how 'correct' you want to be. Most refit BO light kits are spendy, one for a CCKW can easily run $300+... if you can find one.
Copies of Army Motors are available from under Army Motors.