As others have said - Dave will be sorely missed.
Westy is correct about the storytelling, he had some "dandys" . The guy had a ton of cool life experiences - submarines, tracked vehicles, fire and ems, NBC warfare, and just general life adventure.
Though, what I will remember most about Dave is his swap meet/rally/show deals. He was at them all - MVPA national conventions, GA rally, Cardinal Center, and of course, Findlay.
He was never selling anything that I really NEEDED, but he was always selling something that "I just had to have" for some reason. And he never gouged, his prices were bargains by any standards. And if he still had anything left at the end on Sunday, he practically gave it away.
I walked around the shop reminiscing tonight and took some photos of stuff that I got from Dave over the last 12+ years. Not because I really needed it, but because it was a great deal !
Here is my tribute
My Deals from Dave:
Cases ! He always had the coolest cases, all different sizes and tons of them. Pelican cases, soft sided, you name it .
And the MRE heater "combat crock pot". I took it out of the plastic for the first time for the picture.
Uniform repair patches? got a whole box cheap. need to find a use for them. What are they good for?
Tailgate chain covers. Nice upgrade!
I think Dave named these the "Big Boy Cots". If I am not mistaken, they are field hospital medical beds. I got two of them from Dave. Why not?
Litter Stands,

I don't have pics, but I also bought two tents from Dave . Used them when the kids were in Cub Scouts, and then passed them on to others.
I really like this giant shop banner.
And my all time favorite. I posted a wanted ad on one of the swap meet/rally threads. I was looking for just the little "C" retainer tabs for a yellow bridge plate. I had all the rest. He showed up and handed me this. The whole beautiful bridge plate for free. Thanks Dave!