The MEP-003A comes in a standard version, (non ASK) and a ASK, (Acoustic Suppression Kit version). It's not all that loud in the standard version. No, you can not run it when your neighbor lives 50 feet from the set, without him wanting to kill you. But the ASK, or a very good muffler system might be what you need. We put them in a sandbag bunker, and ran the exhaust through a homemade muffler system that reduces the noise to the point that it was almost non existent.
All MEP-002 up to the MEP-006 are somewhat loud. They all wet stack. Unless you run them at 75-80% load or more, it something you have to live with. The problem was so bad in HAWK Air Defence, that the military at last came up with a parasitic load bank. It was mounted on top of the gen set, (15 KW up to 60 KW) and could be set for up to 50% of rated load, in four 7.5 KW steps. Overload rejection was automatic or manual, depending on the position of the Overload rejection switch. It worked, but was so seldom used, due to ignorance of its capabilities, or that fact that it often shut off a gen set that was powering a radar tracking hostile aircraft, that no one trusted it. Most load banks went to the scrap heap.
Before you decide what set you want, you need to set down and figure out what you want it to do, and what it's supposed to power. But from reading your posts, I think you might get by with a smaller set. SPEDDMON might be able to help you with that. I personally love the MEP-006A set. But if you don't need that much power, don't spend the money on it. Get what you need, and maybe a tad more.