Here's some of mine. I like the winch cable idea, we'll try that next time.I wasn't upset about the noise, just the dust. We all knew it was the adults egging the kids on. Azzhos breed azzhos I guess. We put so many rounds thru the SKS, it shook the rail mount loose and also the rings came loose. Holes 30.06 had more muzzle flash than the Garand...he needs a muzzle brake..the tailgate and hoist in the back of my truck would ring every time one was squeezed off with that thing. Djfreema's little girl is a trooper. She had her ears on, and just said," I'm gonna go take a nap now" and crawled up in hs truck and was out, even with all the gun fire! Floyd's truck is very clean. I was gonna scoot under it to check out the dual brake system, but I just wasn't motivated enough due to the breeze we had. Yellowbronc's "RV" is sweet! Hundy has given me "deuce envy" The bob works great. He's a smart guy and does good work. Devin's truck looks awsome with the A3 wheels. I think this event needs to blossom into a full 3 or maybe a 4 dayer, too many things to do, lotsa places to drive to, and I have alot of different ideas in my runs, a timed race of some sort, maybe an obsticle course, tire changing...if I never have to do another one, it will be too soon! Goofy little things. Anyway, here are some more pics. Can't wait 'till the next one!