I didn't want my Solargizer's panel permanently mounted to the truck. Solargizers are neat, but to me they somewhat spoil the look of a 1960s truck. So, I installed the circuit box behind the passenger's seat, and it's wired up to the batteries normally. I cut the wiring to the panel and put in a plug and socket from a hobby shop... the kind used to connect battery packs to R/C cars. The panel is mounted to an aluminum holder I made out of a piece of channel that sits over the top of the side window frame and has a piece of thick sheet metal screwed to it that holds the panel at a 45 degree angle to the sun.
It's similar looking to what SierraHotel did, except that it hangs on the top of the passenger's window. When I park the truck I hang it on the window and plug it in, when I drive it's stored in the map compartment.