While cleaning out the cab, I re-read the data tag. While alittle hard to read, its a M-109A3! WO/W but has PTO, shifter, lock out plate, floor tag and it works!. The front bumper had what lookes like u-bolts welded to the front bumper, like foot steps. Both have been cut off flush with the top, not the bottom, like the bumper had been flipped over. Is this normal? Would a M-109A3 w/w look funny? Seems like I'm half way there.
The engine data tag has been painted over several times. The best I can make out it says, Hercules Motor?. Its a multi fuel W/O turbo. 126hp is not too bad. Have not driven up many long hills yet
. Still a blast to drive! I dig the loud noise and smoke.
The more I work on her, the better condition I find. You just have to look through the dust, dirt and cobwebs