I just actually watched my own "pigtail" making video.
I have no idea why I'm shaking so much. Too much coffee I suppose.

Damn...Shakes McGee.
Actually, I have a REALLY bad back, especially in the morning. In order to do half of these jobs, I need to get a lot of adrenaline going. Hanging over the hood for a few hours and having to pull out that rear battery required an extra bit of the "anger" to fill me. That probably added to my shakes. Lol.
I have no idea why I'm shaking so much. Too much coffee I suppose.

Damn...Shakes McGee.
Actually, I have a REALLY bad back, especially in the morning. In order to do half of these jobs, I need to get a lot of adrenaline going. Hanging over the hood for a few hours and having to pull out that rear battery required an extra bit of the "anger" to fill me. That probably added to my shakes. Lol.