I just won another M1009 on GL

This time It says the batteries are dead, starts with a jump and starter fluid. I can put batteries in. But if it needs starter fluid does that mean the fuel pump needs replacement?
Glow plugs, more than likely, as everyone else has said. If you're going to try and start it with starter fluid, disable the glow plug circuit (pull the card out of the black box hanging up above the fuse box) first, then use just the slightest whiff of starting fluid - you shouldn't even be able to count to 'One' - just almost tap the nozzle. Try start - repeat if necessary - but don't be tempted to use more than a microsquirt during any start attempt or nasty things can happen

Usually too much starting fluid makes it pre-detonate on the compression stroke which makes it sound as though the starter is really laboring (eyeeah...ee..yea..eaAH...eee..YUMP), but provided there's fuel and you're persistent with the minute squirts of starting fluid - they usually go. Usually.
If you use starting fluid while the glow plugs are cycling - the heads swell and fail instantly - making them a real treat to remove later on when you want to change them out.