IMO, The site looks a bit more user-friendly now, but I really, really appreciated the Thanks Given and Thanks Received tallies by our avatars. When compared with an individual's # of posts, it allowed us to see not only who was likely to have pertinent content, but also let us know who was likely to be appreciative of the time we might spend in an effort to help someone out with a reply. I also greatly miss the list of who had thanked us at the bottom of our posts. It gave us the opportunity to see who in particular might be kindered spirits in relation to certain mods/topics, as well as letting us tell our friends "hi bud, I liked what you did here" by merely tacking our user name in the thanks box. We're living in a society now where kids and adults are getting trophies for merely "showing up". As a result, I really don't take much stock in little trophy icons, or a rank given just because someone has been around for a long time. Really sad to see the "Thanks" portions taken away, but thanks for trying to improve the site (Please, please, please put the "Thanks" stuff back).