How were HUPs used in the Commonwealth Armies during the Second World War
How were HUPs used in the Commonwealth Armies during the Second World War, there were nearly 13,000 Heavy Utilities in HUP (P) for Personnel, HUA (A) Ambulance, HUW (W) Wireless and a variety fitted out as small arms repair, wireless repair, unit office, cypher trucks. The pages below are from a reproduction of a book prepared as a reference guide for primary military vehicles to be used by Commonwealth Armies during the invasion of Europe.
First Photo is the Cover of the book, second is the Preface to the Series of books on CMPs (Canadian Military Pattern), third is the summary of military vehicles produced in Canada during WWII (Canadian population 11.5M, US population 133.4M). Forth and Fifth photos cover some of the characteristics in explanation of the individual vehicle sheets.

The last two photos show the Data Sheets for the basic HUP and for comparison Jeep. There is one Performance figure that I wish they had include is Max gradability CROSS GRADE.

The last photo is of Canadian Army Maneuvers in British Columbia during WWII, this is one of a bunch of photos that I purchased off e-pay a number of years ago. If you would like to see more of these Maneuver photos you can see them on my web site in Service in British Columbia.htm
Remember that only a very few if any CMPs (like many military vehicles of the day) had heaters of any kind, so this must have been cold work. Some interesting photos of 40MM Bofers having slid of the snow covered roads.
Cheers Phil