OK. By request, here's the story so far of my Deuce...
First off, I originally thought she was a 1953 REO. But just this evening, after doing some digging to prepare for this posting, I discovered she is actually a 1952 REO!!! So even another year older and more unusual than I originally thought.
She is full of surprises already!
I first saw her in April, 2019 when I was looking for my first MV. I didn't look closely at her or really consider her at the time as I had decided on purchasing a 900 series truck that my Dad could easily drive and use on the farm.
But even as I enjoyed the 923, I found I still wanted something a little more "basic" and "less civilized" than my 5-Ton. Something that I would enjoy much more as a hobby truck than as a work truck. In other words...a Deuce.
So I made a trip back up over this past winter to see what interesting options were on the lot for me and she was still there, looking sad and forgotten. Covered in lichens, missing a headlight, snow-destroyed cargo cover, badly peeling paint...
But I took a good look at her this time, liked what I saw, realized she only had minor surface rust despite the terrible condition of her paint, no major body damage, 11 basically brand-new T-Hawks, and just got a good feeling about her. The final decision was made for me when I looked inside the cab and realized her age and that she was actually built at the REO plant in Lansing, MI. As a child, I had lived within spitting distance of the complex where she was built. Connection made. There was no question I would be back to retrieve her once better weather arrived and the weekend before July 4th I brought her to her new home.
How I found her sitting in March:
Now at her new home on the farm with her big sister:
Just a nice, clean, straight truck:
She is currently LDT powered with a D turbo (she runs very good):
Cab is in great shape (minus seat covers/cushions, of course):