Just an fyi, although I love my 1400s on my 925, I have had the recent chance to run 2 813,s in deep woods and swampy slimy mud, for a few hours and the same trails exactly, I have been wheeling as long as I have been behind the wheel, Not saying anything but my experience, the wider tires are not good mud tires. the narrow tires out perform all wider tires. The 1100 NDT duels out performed the 1400s on the 813 to 813 test, in slimy mud and deep woods, Snow will have the same outcome. although as awesome as they are, the wider the tire the more U will float and push walls of mud and snow when the narrower tire will slice right thru, For those who experienced Aberdeen in the Mud a few years ago, the jeeps and m37s and the deuces all were the only things slicing that slimy awesome mud with NDTS the Hummvs were done with those wide tires and side by side next to a unimog with wide tires My deuce outferformed that too. these are facts. every tire has gives and takes, pretty much all the tires we use will have an outcome of these tires are awesome!!! But that also has alot to do with the vehicles being what they are, and the driver means alot too. so That is why my 813 test is so vald, it was a same truck same driver same conbditons/trails evaluation, Something I learned along time ago mud bogging Jeeps in comps , was reafirmed here.