Hey guys once again thank you for all the info. . .
Did contact the Drive a Tank guy, Tony, and He's a really cool guy. Had great insight and just overall really helpful. Bottomline I think its doable given time. Probly wont be ready by March 2013, maybe by 2014. Probably going to attempt a drive or ride a deuce attraction and see what happens there, and as mentioned if it does do well I may very well kick a little back the SS way in the form of a donation. I understand theres an anti zombie sentiment on the forums from the regulations but from looking around and the contacts I have in the paintball/airsoft markets BlondeGuy may be onto something. Anyways just wanted to say thanks for all the great info and input and keep it coming.
As to the M114 suggestion, I honestly think the APC solution would be a better income generator. More spots equals more tickets per trip which equals lower ticket price equals more riders for same time in. My main hesitation there as with the deuces is the fact that its lacking a big mean looking turret on top which I feel in my area would be what is really needed to draw in traffic. Input?