Best of luck researching your truck information. When I first started trying to dig up data about my
M35A2, I seemed to hit quite a few 'dead ends' and after several days, became kind of frustrated.
But... after doing more reading of related threads, here on the SteelSoldiers forum... I was able to go
back out on 'the internet' in general and oncover the truck history I was interest in finding.
I still have not completed my search to my liking, so as I learn more from clues and tips gained... I hope
to discover a more in-depth understanding of the 'Life-n-Times' my truck has experienced since it rolled
off the assembly line back in 1970.
It appears there are no more easy access pathways available for truck history, but having said that... the
adventure of discovering that history remains alive in those of us interested in 'leaving no stone unturned',
in our quest towards knowing more about our MV's and the soldiers who used them in the defense of freedom.
It seems as though you and your brother-inlaw are pretty close. Maybe this truck-history-search could be a mission
you could both enjoy together.
Just my thoughts.
And again... I wish you the best in your quest!
Welcome from Arizona! And... Thank you for your service!
It's nice to have you onboard!