Had to add this one.
Just got in from a late night off-road recovery. 97' Cherokee XJ, 6" lift and 32's. burried up to the doors in ice and muck. Only took my foot off the clutch for a second and he came free. Gotta love the Garwood.
(sorry it was dark)
Did the same pulling a friend in a '98 ZJ (2" lift, 31s) out... high centered on a sand hill. He'd been digging for hours. I drove up, hitched up the strap, put it in reverse and took my foot off the clutch and he popped right off it.
My deuce acts as a go between to funnel my money to various MV parts suppliers. It is doing a very fine job.
Amen to that

speaking of which I need to buy more parts soon.
It was great to go to Lowe's and order the following:
65 4x4x8
8 4x6x8
500 ft of 48" wire fence
3 14' ag gates
and 1,000 lbs concrete
They asked, "Sir, When would you like this delivered?"
My response: Right now...
They then said that they can not do deliveries on such short notice. I asked if they had a forklift. They said that they did. When I asked them to load my truck, they asked if I knew how big the load was. I asked them to look outside and tell me if the truck was big enough....
Their answer....
We will have it together in a few min, will that be cash or charge?
See, and the wife thought I was nuts....

Thats why I got it BEFORE i got married.
Been there done that :

Same plan with BEFORE I got married - I've got nearly all the toys I want and a house, if a girl sees the yard and its contents she can't claim no one warned her. I have about 5 or 6 yards of shingles and demolition debris from gutting the house to get rid of, just waiting for free dump day now!
Other uses:
* flummoxing the security officers where I work (white collar engineering firm with a cube farm)
* picking up girls (nope, not kidding, I'm surprised how many honk and wave when I drive it!)
* making the guys with the lifted tuned blinged fullsize pickups feel inadequate and laughing at them
* causing traffic jams
* carrying towing pulling or driving over ANYTHING
* if we have another winter like last one I won't care, and won't have to plow my road unless I feel like it
* helped a friend move (same guy I pulled out when he got stuck) - yep, took one trip
* I don't need to buy a trailer to haul my rock crawling jeep around, I'm working on welding together some loading ramps, will simply drive it into the bed and roll out!
* if we have another tornado here, I will be out helping the national guard clear roads
* if we have another tornado here I am tying myself to the driveshaft. There is no way a tornado is going to blow the truck away, not the kind we get here anyways.
* I'm welding up a 55 gallon oil drum as a charcoal grille with some legs that will fit into the bow storage slots in the side of the bed