I have been asked to arrange or arranged shipping for at least half dozen members that were left hanging by Veritread at the last minute, told "OOPS", cannot find a truck (this was from a VERY busy area with a lot of trucks coming in and looking for loads out), or told "SORRY" truck was needed to pickup another load, or the best one yet, NOTHING, truck just does not show up, not a word of warning, just no show, nothing, ect., ect. each time it is at the very last minute of time before storage charges. I can go on but what is the point, when a broker tells the shipper everything is cool for the pickup then no pickup SOMETHING is WRONG, now this is JUST ME but I wonder that since GP owns Veritread and that GP is trying to SQUEEZE every CENT out of there military truck sales though GOV, PLANET, just maybe this may be a way to get some extra storage fees , the reason I say this is if I a non-broker can get a truck for a load somewhere going to somewhere within the 6 day time frame, and on a emergency bases, a truck for next day pick up, you are going to tell me a professional commercial trucking broker CAN NOT, now that is a BUNCH of CRAP.
If you guys are happy with VT, fine, I will not ever recommend VT to anybody that asks me what I think about VT for a hauler.
Just my two cents on the VT subject, I can only comment on what I know.