An excellent article by Denise Moss appeared in the June 2003 - issue #97 of Military Vehicles Magazine. It gives an introduction to HMMWVs. Included in the article is the following quote: "... in 1999 when the...marine corps traded 750 HMMWVs to United Defense... contracted the sale through Manheim Auction Government Services." So there are more than 750 out there anyways. Mine was one of the ones from the auction. There are a few on E-bay right now and a few more are available at sites listed on the MVPA. In fact, serial # 29, a 1984 HMMWV prototype is available on one of those sites. AM General made the civilian H1 series that used the military drive train, frame, and stuff and just added a 12v system, safety mods, fancy dash panel, and upholstery. Oh, and the Hummers made by GM ? They're just a pickup truck with a HMMWV looking body. It was the GM line that got sold to China - not the AMG military ones.