Not a good day today.
The zipper boot install was a bear. I used the clamp method and still had plenty trouble. I had a tough time even getting the inner clamp on. And the new clamps I got are JUNK. They got all twisted out of alignment very easy. One of the darn screws broke, necessitating a run to the hardware store. I ended up re-using one of the old clamps. Finally after about 4 hours of fighting I got them on. I'm not impressed with the quality of the boots themselves either. Have a feeling I'll be doing this again sooner than later.
While I was laying under the truck I noticed a coolant leak. Looked like it was coming down from behind the oil filters. Looked like the little short rubber hose that goes to the oil cooler. Crap, have to pull the oil filters to get to it. So, I do that. Then I fight with that little rubber hose and finally it comes off. OH NO

Much more coolant than I anticipated in that hose, now it's running into the oil filter bases! Mounds of paper towels later it stops flowing. Then I decided to replace the other 2 little short hoses. They all look the same age and are cracked. What a PITA to get those off and get the new ones back on.
I guess now I'm doing an oil change too. I'm also doing a cooling system flush because so much ending up leaking out, I might as well. Flush and flush, not too bad looking. A little rust coming out, but no gunk.
I decide to put the oil filters back in. I'm going to order spin-ons and I'll change them out when I get them.
Start up the truck to try to circulate some clean water and check for coolant leaks. Watching the oil pressure rise, the suddenly it drops to zero. It shut it down quick and go and look and there's about 2 gallons of oil all over the grass and covering the left side of the engine. Darn canister was not setting on the gasket right!! Now I have to make an emergency run to store to get some floor dry for the Exxon Valdez.
Two more hours of cleaning up oily dirt and floor dry from my yard. I'm done! I quit. No more today. I wished I would have just stayed in bed today.