I braved the Wal Mart parking lot and held my own, no new damage to the deuce or cars on the lot. I jokingly asked the guy in the tire service bay if he could balance my tires and wheels in the next 20 minutes. He said "You gotta be kidding" I set him at ease with a "Yes I am"
I pulled six new tires for my deuce, but did not get them on the deuce yet.
I pulled a 105 into a buddy's trucking lot, needing the lug nut broke loose. The shop guys left before I got there and I had the back up a M105 with a deuce lesson again, about 100 yards. Made it first shot, but it was not pretty.
I put spare filter gaskets, primary, secondary and oil filters in a large mechanic's bag and looked for a good way to secure them in the area under the passenger's seat. I think I want an eye bolt and caribiner.
The transfer case has been hard to get into low gear, it shifts easy enough, but the artic boot bunches up under it and kicks it out of gear. Rolling it around so the seam and bulk of the material was on the passenger's side worked. Now how to keep it there....