I don't blame ya! I love classics, especially the Mustangs. That said, I do live in MI, a state that prospers heavily off brewery shops and the like. Tons of party animals here, especially near any college or the big cities like Grand Rapids. Plus there are just a lot of idiots out there who tailgate, cut you off, pull out in front of you, road rage, ect. Since driving the deuce, that cuts down a lot, people seem to think twice when they see 5 tons+ of steel that looks just as mean as the Jeeper Creepers truck in the movies. If anything, I notice the young guys full of ego tend to show off with their diesel trucks and gun it or pass me dangerously close to oncoming traffic. What they don't realize is, if they cause an accident, I'm helping the other person first. May sound cruel, but the innocent deserves the help before the guilty do, at least that's how I see it in that case. In cases where it's just an accident and it's no ones fault or coming on to the scene after it's happened, then I'll do what I can for both parties until authorities get on the scene. I carry an extension medkit in the truck for that very reason.