I had a pretty productive day today! I first flushed the coolant system, and wow was this thing gummed up. I then reinstalled the 2nd temp sensor, and the fan clutch actuator valve. I also changed the coolant filter, next was installing the Extinguisher, then it was on to replacing the passenger side window washer motor. After that I replaced the heater blower motor, and since the one being replaced had a gasket on the intake, I switched that one to the new one that didn't have the gasket.Finally I tried my best to burp the system of air from the purge valve on the heater core and man was there a tremendous amount of air in it, it pushed air out for more than 20 seconds. Is there any other way/or better way to do this? But at the EOD I still need another gallon of coolant, and another gallon of distilled water.Oh I also measured the A2 spare tire carrier that I recently purchased and It is 17" wide and the distance between the cab and bed is 16" So I'll have to rework my original plan on that but I'm sure I'll get it!