#1 Each scenario calls for a different approach.
Hit them w/ PB Blaster for DAYS prior to attempt to remove.
Use a
PROPERLY SIZED screwdriver tip.
Seat driver tip and smack it w/ a hammer WHILE you are turning counterclockwise
keeping screwdriver perfectly aligned in slots all the while pushing REALLY HARD
to keep screwdriver in slot. It is hard to do, eye-hand coordination is a must.
Tap while trying to unscrew while pushing HARD
If it moves a smidge hit it w/ PB Blaster and wait more then repeat the above.
Or drill jus the heads off JUST ENOUGH to get the hinges off then
try to grab the shaft of the screw w/ vise grips, but AFTER you
hit it w/ PB Blaster and WAIT.
If they are a lost cause, cut the FLAT and flush.
Get a sharp center punch and dead center tap a point.
Drill thru and attempt to tap.
See note #1
On larger screws sometimes you can weld a bolt to the head and you have a better
head to grab onto and unscrew.
Or cut a slot for a flathead screwdriver.
If it is mission critical there are companies that specialize in broken bolt
removal. They have a zapper gun deal that will blow a hole thru the offending
screw and then they have a lot of different tricks to get the guts out.
You have to use a proper approach for THAT particular scenario.
CLICK HERE and I have used
THIS MAN in the past always w/ success.