It all started when I made a comment to my son-in-law about how I think the stock turn signals were rediculously large and that real estate could be better used for off-road LEDs. For my birthday he gave me a set of LEDs that just fit in that space. Well, here in AZ, its not required to have electric signals, so I figured I was good. (Arm signals are self cancelling after awhile at long traffic lights

). A fellow SSmember, or two, shared that if I were to drive on a highway then DOT rules apply. I attached some itty bitty marker lights onto the grill, garnering more thoughts on the subject about size, brightness, and placement. When presented with a logical, reasonable arguement, I am willing to change my view. So I looked up the statutes and indeed the SSmembers were correct. So I went back to ginormous signals, but of a type that I can alter the placement or even delete off road. I was better off with the stock signals in original configuration, the LEDs should have been added somewhere else. But here I am.