Put a toolbox on craigslist and some guy emails me saying he'll take it, but would I be willing to deliver? No, but I'll meet you at such-&-such place about halfway between our two locations. He agrees.
So I use the friendly floorjack to lift the box up as high as possible, then climb onto the tailgate of the M1009 and heft it in, 'bout breaking my back doing it.
I get to the such-&-such parking lot and the guy walks up. I say, "Why don't you pull your truck up tailgate to tailgate so it's easier to move?"
No comment.
He helps me get it out of the truck onto the ground and then starts the hem & haw....
20 minutes later (about 38° outside) he decides he doesn't want it after all...
We heft it back into the truck and I find out later it took a little damage.
All that to say; during the unload the right side tailgate cable snapped. Looks a little corroded, and the left side isn't far behind.
RockAuto to the rescue. Order placed.