I knew my cab wasn't locking into the full upright position (where the locking bar flattens out into the safe position). So following suggestions others have made.
*image and walk-thru credited to
Tom Bauer https://www.facebook.com/groups/1607576859556624/
Backed the nut off the inboard side
Freed the bolt on the outboard side so it could turn
Used a large screwdriver to pry the center cam loose (it has an upper and lower slot for the main lift pin on the actuator to ride in)
Carefully tapped the thin metal plate (inboard) with a hammer until it was free to rotate back into position (mine was spun counterclockwise ~15°)
At that point the cab slid into the full upright position and the locking bar flattened out into the safe and locked position. I greased the cam and surrounding plate and, re-torqued the inboard nut, and cycled the cab thru it's full range of raised and lowered.
It's a **** of a thing to see the cab come over center now. As the mechanism shifts past center (in either direction) there is a dramatic shift as the weight is distributed between the two slots of the cam (the weight shifts from the actuator to the frame in the locked position and visa-versa).
I feel a **** of a lot safer now, knowing that the cab is locked into the safe position while I'm under it. And the weight of the cab is now off the hydraulic cylinder when lowered.