Although not free, thought is relatively inexpensive when compared to mistakes.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with in regards to interior lighting, and frankly, everything else that you do with your truck. Of course it's just my opinion, (and we can all agree that that's basically worthless) but these trucks are marvels of engineering and are worthy of some thought and effort to preserve them and bring them back to, and in fact beyond their original glory ...
Well... So far I'm thinking of three types of lighting.
Think a traditional dome light that switches on when you open the door (and via a manual switch when needed). Probably two or three overhead, with decent lumen output to basically flood everything with light and eliminate any shadows. Plus step lighting to aid with entry and exit. I'm thinking the step lighting will be placed in the bottom edge of the door, to light up the step area and immediate ground below and/or on the underside of the toolbox and cab right there.
Accent lighting:
This is where I liked my Tesla. Switches, handles, cup holders, footwells, all gently lit just enough to be able to find everything in the dark while underway, and placed so that there is no glare or internal reflection for the driver. I'll probably do a bunch of trial and error with this. I'll probably work up some temporary lights with magnets so I can play with different placements. I'll also throw compartment lighting in this category. My console will have lighting inside that comes on when the lid is opened, likewise any storage behind the seats (or built into the rear side panel cavities... hint... hint), overhead storage pockets, etc....
Task lighting:
Like map lights but more and better. Found some selectable white/red battery lights that I like, except for the battery part. I'm on the hunt for some aviation task/map lights one for the driver and one for the passenger with a tight focused red beam and an adjustable gooseneck for precise positioning. Plus some built into the console "catch-all" pocket for when you need to rummage around for whatever widget got tossed in there.
As a bonus for the exterior I have a complete MRAP lighting kit with visible and IR lightbars, plus two remote spotlights in both visible and IR,... someday.... I'll probably work the front facing bar into the yet-to-be-decided roof rack and the two side and the rear bar just bolted under the edge of the bed on all sides. Not sure how to handle the remote spotlights just yet. I have time to think on that... I'm hoping build the existing control box into the center console for easy access. Just all of those switches and joysticks right between the cupholders.... Kind of gives me the fizz.