Mice and ants, huh?
Well, I still like traps for mice, and I check them regularly because I am able to. I remove all carcasses to eliminate any chance of smell.
On ants, if the small kind that get into your trucks or cars, they are probably argentine ants, or, we call them sugar ants. Go to Lowes and get some "Terro". It is a sugar syrup that has borax in it, the same ingredient that kills roaches. Ants take it home, the queen notices a lot of dead ants in their burrow, and moves on, taking the nest with her. Sometimes they eat it for up to three days before they dissappear.
No one mentioned squirrels!! They eat vinly off your wiring, bumpers, house shutters, house vinyl. Very dangerous to parked vehicles.
I shot my son's Winchester 9422 with a short subsonic .22, and my BB gun makes more noise, but like all BB guns now days, have a warped barrell and do different things at different ranges. Getting hard to shoot a squirrel even with a scope on a BB gun, and I have that nice one with 1000 feet per second velocity. Scrapped three before this.
Can't find a model 9422, but I am convinced it and the subsonic short shell is the way to go. Extremely accurate without a scope. I can hit a silver dollar sized target 6 out of 10, and a tangerine 10 out of 10 from 35 yards with bad eyes.
I'm going to war on squirrels in 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!