Been a while since I posted anything here so thought I'd throw out an update.
Over Memorial Day Weekend we were in Ireland and had a tornado (well not technically a "tornado" as it didn't touch the ground) come over our place. It took half the ridge vent and about 5 rows of shingles off my shop, twisted 6 large oak trees in half, and took some pretty large limbs off a dozen other trees. I thought I had escaped pretty easy as it missed the house (although one of the trees came down within inches of it) and missed the M1078, the deuce, and my wife's pickup. About a week after we got back I was driving her truck and asked what the gunk on her windshield was and she thought it just needed washed. Turns out it was where a roofing shingle had landed face down on the glass and done a little swirl scratching it. I went back and checked the other trucks and, sure enough, the 1078 has the same swirling pattern on the windshield and a 6" patch on the nose of the truck. I still thought that wasn't too bad given the proximity of a "technically not a tornado" to the trucks. Today was the 1st time I've really had the LMTV out since then and I went to hit the windshield washer and discovered the wind also took off one of my wiper blades - of course the one right in front of the driver. Still not TOO bad but getting a little more aggravating.
Here's a pic of us waiting for the rest of the group for the parade to show up. It appears I missed the "Last Picture Show" and couldn't see "Forrest Gump" for the trees.